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Showing posts from 2023

January 5: Practicing Left Turns Day Four

Sizzle did a track at the fields near the Battlefield Green Community Center and Valero.  She was slow and steady as always eating a lot of the food on the track. She looked around at the turn for just a moment and then took it.  I'm very happy with how she's tracking.  Today in addition to the video I drew a map and used an app called Dog Tracks 2.0.  I like the way the app works and even tho it may not be completely accurate, it gave me a nice map.  

January 4 Track: Thunder and Lightening

 We just barely got to run the track I laid for Sizzle before we had to get home out of the thunder and lightening so Cheeky and Fanny didn't get to track today.  I even left the flags and clip in the field to come back for them later.  The track was one leg of 70 scuff steps, a left turn and 40 scuff steps with food drops every three steps.  Sizzle was clearly unsure about the weather and was initially trying to stand by me and looked to me to quit.  She kept coming around behind me and putting her front feet on my back which she does sometimes to get my attention.   I was patient and just waited for her to go back to work and she eventually did.  She found the glove and we quickly made it back to the van.  When I got in the van I pulled up a weather app called Carrot and this is what I saw. I did record the track with my chest harness.  I was a little more talkative than I should be during a track.  Please ignore my commentary or I hope it at least gives you a laugh.  On top of t

January 2: Practicing our Left Turn at Cold Harbor Battlefield

I laid another track with two 60-scuff step legs and a left turn and food every three steps.  Sizzle did a fantastic job tracking and ate about every other hot dog.  At the left turn she sniffed the turn and figured out which way the track went quickly.  I did a better job videoing Sizzle's track since it was the second one I recorded and it looks pretty good.  Below is the map of Sizzle's track:

Happy New Year: Sizzle's First Track of 2023 / First Turn

We went tracking at the Community Center near 360 and did Sizzle's first left turn.  It was around 61°F at 3 pm.  I laid a track that was two 60-step legs (scuffing all steps) with a left turn and food every three steps.  I had to abandon Sizzle's first track after the first leg because there was broken glass all over the ground.  So I went to a field across a small road which is right next to 360.  Sizzle did a great job on her track and the turn and wasn't bothered at all by the busy road or traffic.  She kept her nose down and working the whole time.  Below is my map of Sizzle's track.